
With the support from Milk SA, ASSET Research developed three tools aimed at measuring the economic, social and environmental impact of dairy farming.  These are:

  1. The DiEET (Dairy Index for the Environment, Economics and Nutrition) model to estimate the relative environmental footprint of milk and plant-based beverages (
  2. An estimate of the carbon footprint (emissions only) of a dairy farm (
  3. The comprehensive DESTiny tool (Dairy Environment Sustainability Tool) which estimates the net on-farm nutrient and net carbon flows (inclusive of both sources and sinks) for dairy production (

Research is ongoing with respect to both the DiEET and DESTiny tools to both improve and apply them within the dairy industry.  The reason being the industry’s strong focus on both environmental and financial sustainability.  The industry constantly seeks ways to improve both since farmers and the industry have an important stewardship responsibility towards the land and the environment, but then also towards the financial security of the producers.  Without such financial security, food security will be compromised.  These tools seek to assist farmers, researchers, consultants and advisers to farmers as well as the industry as a whole in its quest to know what its footprints are with respect to the environment, economy and social concerns, and to identify areas of improvement.